CM-017-25 Azul Black Mortar Color

CM-017-25 Azul Black Mortar Color

Mortar Colors are pure iron oxide pigments designed to be used with all cementitious materials, including Type N, S, M or O strength masonry cement or Portland cement and lime mixtures. Create your own custom color and/or pre-measured units of Interstar Mortar Colors for uniform color control with the flexibility of utilizing local masonry and/or Portland and lime cements to achieve the proper strength and mix design for brick, block stone unit construction. Interstar Colors are certified ASTM C979 for integral coloring.

25 lbs of pigment - Create your own units of mortar color!
For recommended method, dosage, and finishing information: CLICK HERE

Tags: azul black mortar color, black mortar color, brick grout color, brick mortar colors, cement color mix, cement colour dye, cement dye, colored mortar mix, mortar colors, mortar dye

Regular price
  25.0 lb  Package